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Hello! I really enjoyed your game's artstyle and especially the graphical fidelity, could i know how you managed it? i've been struggling with decent graphics for such a long time and especially shadows in unity and i hope you could (if you'll excuse the pun) shed some light on that, thank you.

Hey! Are you using URP in unity or the standard 3D Project?

I'm using URP, also could we talk on discord if that's possible?

You there? :P


oh my goodness. With this concept, I did not expect to be both very into and very frustrated by your game. The controls seem intentionally clumsy in a way where I feel like I have to be careful with every press of my key. It's skillful incompetence and it's very fun. Though I'm sure I'd never play any other jam game here if I tried to beat it. Great work!


Thanks for checking out our game! Glad you enjoyed it!